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  • Justin Brownlee

It's been two weeks of daily declarations and serve opportunities. How have you been impacted? We would love to hear from you!

Today's Declaration of Hope

We will be people who speak life, joy, and encouragement.

Today's Scripture

John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

How Can You Serve Your Neighbor Today?

Everyone needs encouragement. What are some ways you can encourage your neighbors? Take a moment to just talk to them. Write encouraging messages on your sidewalk. Share resources.

Read all of John 3 today.

Comment below with your thoughts, questions, or prayer requests.

At Anchor Church, we exist to love and lead one another with the hope of Jesus. We hope this devotional is an encouragement and an inspiration.

Follow us on social media:

  • Justin Brownlee

Hey Anchor Church! We have had this song from Elevation Worship on repeat for over a week now in our house. Check it out and be encouraged knowing God is with you at all times! There is more worship on our Quarantine Worship playlist on Spotify. And don't forget to sign up for your free Right Now Media account.

Today's Declaration of Hope

We will be people who worship always.

Today's Scripture

Revelation 4:11 says, “Our Lord and our God, it is right for You to have the shining-greatness and the honor and the power. You made all things. They were made and have life because You wanted it that way.”

How Can You Serve Your Neighbor Today?

Are you picking up a meal from one of the local restaurants? Pick up an extra for a neighbor. Our local business will benefit from your generosity and so will your neighbor. Take the opportunity to prepare a simple meal that opens the door to life-giving conversation with your neighbors. There are countless stories on the news that are striking fear in millions of people, but you can make the difference in someone’s life by sharing your hope in God with them. Also read Psalm 18 today. Comment below with your thoughts, questions, or prayer requests.


At Anchor Church, we exist to love and lead one another with the hope of Jesus. We hope this devotional is an encouragement and an inspiration.

Follow us on social media:

  • Justin Brownlee

We went LIVE yesterday on Facebook and Instagram. I hope you got a chance to check it out. We will do that again from time to time. Please remember, we are here for you if you need anything. We have people lined up to help in different areas. Please reach out in the form at the bottom of this page.

Quarantine Worship on Spotify.

Your free Right Now Media account.

Today's Declaration of Hope

God doesn't overpower your fears by shouting louder, but by calling you closer.

Today's Scripture

Romans 8:28 says, "We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are chosen to be a part of His plan."

How Can You Serve Your Neighbor Today?

Text two people today. Two people that you don't normally reach out to and just check on them. Ask them if they need anything... then tell them to reach out to two people. Let's spread the love... it's live giving (read Romans 8)- Read all of Romans 8 today. Comment below with your thoughts, questions, or prayer requests.


At Anchor Church, we exist to love and lead one another with the hope of Jesus. We hope this devotional is an encouragement and an inspiration.

Follow us on social media:

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